Monday, September 23, 2013

The RIse Of Popular Culture and how it effects us now

In The Rise Of Popular Culture: A Historiographical Sketch they covered a few different things. One thing that caught my attention was something Susan Smulyan said. She said " Many of us were television kids, born into an age of rock and roll, and our out looks on popular culture were formed indelibly by the fact that we liked mass- mediated forms of entertainment." What she said has meaning now. Kids born now are born into a media booming age, its all about technology. Everyone has some form of technology in their lives, no matter what age you are. It plays a big role now, as it did then when a lot of this was new.
I also found what Nye had looked into and gained knowledge about in 1965 was interesting. He studied African American culture. After getting more knowledge of another culture he said that it was " the most important intellectual breakthrough by historians." He learned more about another culture. Popular culture is about whats "popular" with media, technology, people, and whats popular in other cultures. I've learned a lot within these past few weeks. I didn't know much about pop culture, i knew about the popular things around us and the basics, but i didn't know what it really stood for and how much it really effects us all.